Center Hill Dam Generation Schedule - Dale hollow dam is generating, on average, 270 cfs per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 638โ and is slowly rising. Water visibility is poor on the upper end of the river,. On this page, visitors can find the center hill generation schedule and check the date for their planned outing. The schedule is organized with the hour of the day in the left. Observed water levels also are updated periodically throughout the day. Predicted water levels are updated at. The daily generation schedule at center hill dam is based primarily on power needs and flood control. The frequent releases provide enough cool water to support trout fishing year round. The caney fork river is about 20. The pickup times are every 30 mins but are subject to change depending on the center hill dam generation schedule. On this page, visitors can find the center hill generation schedule and check the date for their planned outing. The schedule is organized with the hour of the day in the left. Click this link to see the center hill dam generation schedule that is posted by the army corp of engineers. Water release schedules can change without notice due to. Center hill is ranked #24 out of 84 power plants in tennessee in terms of total annual net electricity generation. Center hill is comprised of 3 generators and generated 24. 6 gwh during. Check out the caney fork generation schedule to see what the water flow will be today. Keep in mind, this is posted daily by tva and is the latest and only information we have for the. I am starting weekly fishing reports for all the fisherman who love the caney fork river and center hill lake.
Dale hollow dam is generating, on average, 270 cfs per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 638โ and is slowly rising. Water visibility is poor on the upper end of the river,. On this page, visitors can find the center hill generation schedule and check the date for their planned outing. The schedule is organized with the hour of the day in the left.